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The First Time You Rent With Alamo Car Rental You Receive 10% Discount!

The First Time You Rent With Alamo Car Rental You Receive 10% Discount! At Alamo UK

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10% OFF

The First Time You Rent With Alamo Car Rental You Receive 10% Discount!

The First Time You Rent With Alamo Car Rental You Receive 10% Discount! At Alamo UK

5% OFF

5% Off Join Alamo Insiders 

As An Alamo Insider You’ll Save 55% Off Base Rates Of Pay Later Reservations Check Into Reservations Faster And Track Your Rentals Online At Alamo UK

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5% OFF

5% Off Join Alamo Insiders 

As An Alamo Insider You’ll Save 55% Off Base Rates Of Pay Later Reservations Check Into Reservations Faster And Track Your Rentals Online At Alamo UK

Recently Expired Offers


About Alamo UK 

Founded in 1974, Alamo offers low rental rates and a fun, hassle-free customer experience at the most popular travel destinations throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim. Alamo is among the UK and Canada's most respected car rental service providers. The company ensures you get the best customer service and the right vehicle. 

How To Save Money at Alamo UK

Voucher & Deals

There are different ways by which you can save money at Alamo UK. You can always Alamo UK Booking
voucher Codes at Saving Says UK. All the offers available are verified and ready to use.

Special offers

As a leading rest auto rental company in the USA, they have teamed up with Virgin Atlantic to offer you 15% off their great value prices for any auto type booking.

Exclusive Deals

Book your next Alamo service through their online moment offer and get a 10% discount for your vacation. They have an awful modern line of family-friendly motorcars available at all major fields and cosmopolises.


Sign Up To Alamo UK to receive exclusive offers and deals in your inbox.

Loyalty Programs

Join the Alamo UK loyalty program to enjoy exclusive discounts and perks while booking your next rental car. Each purchase adds up a point to your loyalty account.

Black Friday

Alamo UK offers exclusive deals and offers during seasonal events i.e. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc. You can visit the Alamo UK website during the season and avail of discounts of up to 40% Off your purchases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact FAQ’s

Q. How can I contact Alamo?
Ans: You can contact Alamo by filling out a contact form on their website OR contact them through their. You can also contact them through their number. (tel:0800 028 2390)
Q. On which Social media platforms can I find Alamo?
Ans: You can follow Alamo on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Deals & Discounts FAQ's

Q. How to find & use Alamo voucher codes?
Ans: Using voucher codes is simple.
Visit savingsays.co.uk/Alamo
Click on the desired voucher code, deal, or promo. The code will be copied to your clipboard.
Visit Alamo, book, and apply that promotional code into the box named "Voucher code", "Voucher Code", etc.
Q. Does Alamo offer Black Friday sales and vouchers?
Ans: Yes, Alamo participates in Black Friday sales and often provides great vouchers for this day. All the vouchers and offers can be found on Savingsays.co.uk/Alamo.
Q. Does Alamo offer Cyber Monday sales and vouchers?
Ans: Yes, Alamo takes part in Cyber Monday sales and provides vouchers and offers for this specific day.
Q. Does Alamo offer any discounts or promotions?
Ans: Yes, Alamo frequently offers discounts and promotions on various Bookings. These can include percentage-off discounts, offers, seasonal sales, and more. Keep an eye on the Alamo website, and social media channels, and sign up for the Alamo newsletter to stay updated on the latest deals.
Q. How can I find out about the latest deals and sales at Alamo?
Ans: To stay informed about Alamo's latest deals and sales, visit the Alamo website regularly or subscribe to the Alamo newsletter. You can also follow them on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, where Alamo often shares exclusive promotions and discounts.
Q. Are there any loyalty programs or rewards available?
Ans: Yes, Alamo does not offer a loyalty or reward program. 
Q. Does Alamo offer a student discount?
Ans: No, Alamo currently does not offer discounts for students as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Does the Alamo offer a military discount?
Ans: No, Alamo currently does not offer discounts for military veterans as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Does Alamo offer a teacher's discount?
Ans: No, Alamo currently does not offer discounts for teachers as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Does Alamo offer a senior discount?
Ans: No, Alamo currently does not offer a senior discount as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Does Alamo offer an NHS discount?
Ans: No, Alamo currently does not offer an NHS discount as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.

Payment Method FAQ’s

Q.  What payment methods do Alamo accept?

Ans: Alamo accepts a variety of payment methods, including:

Credit Card

  • American Express,
  • Mastercard
  • VISA

Debit card

  • VISA®
  • MasterCard®
  • Discover® Network