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About Currys

Currys is a renowned electronics and appliance retail chain that has been a household name for decades. With a history dating back to 1884, Currys has evolved with the times to become a leading destination for tech enthusiasts, gadget lovers, and home appliance shoppers. Whether you're in search of the latest cutting-edge gadgets or essential household appliances, Currys has something to offer for everyone.

How To Save Money At Currys

Voucher & Promo Code

There are different ways by which you can save money at Currys. You can always check out Curry Discount Codes & Promos at Saving Says UK. All the offers available are verified and ready to use.

Clearance Sale

Another way to save money at Currys is to buy appliances TV & Audio from the clearance sale section. You can save up to 50% on Currys.

Student Discount 

Currys Is currently offering An Exclusive student discount of 10%. You can view the Complete Guide at Saving Says UK and claim your discount.

NHS Discount

Currys Is currently offering an 5% OFF NHS discount. You can view the Complete Guide at Saving Says UK and claim your discount.

Gift Card 

You can typically purchase Currys gift cards at Currys stores, on their website, or at authorized resellers

Free Shipping 

Currys currently offers free shipping on all orders of £40 and above. You can use this offer as per your requirements.


Sign up for Currys Newsletter to get updates related to products, offers, and much more right in your inbox.

loyalty Program

Join the Currys loyalty program to enjoy exclusive discounts and perks while shopping. Each purchase adds up a point to your loyalty account.

Black Friday

Currys offers exclusive deals and offers during seasonal events i.e. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc. You can visit the Currys website during the season and avail of discounts of up to 40% Off your purchases.

Delivery & Return Policy At Currys


  • Currys currently offers free shipping on all orders of £40 and above.
  • Currys Next-Day Delivery for £5.99.
  • Note: During sale periods, deliveries may take longer than normal, the delivery date will be confirmed during checkout

Return Policy

  • You can return your purchased items within 30 days of delivery or store purchase.
  • Items should be clean, unused, and unworn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact FAQ’s

Q. How can I contact Currys?
Ans: You can contact Currys by filling out a contact form on their website OR contact them through their e-mail. customer service (at)business(at)currys(dot)co.UK You can also contact them through their number. (0344 561 0000)
Q. On which Social media platforms can I find Currys?
Ans: You can follow Currys on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Deals & Discounts FAQ's

Q. How to find & use Curry voucher codes?
Ans: Using voucher codes is simple.
Click on the desired voucher code, deal, or promo. The code will be copied to your clipboard.
Visit Currys, purchase your products, and apply that promotional code into the box named "Voucher code", "Voucher Code", etc.
Q. Does Currys offer Black Friday sales and vouchers?
Ans: Yes, Curry participates in Black Friday sales and often provides great vouchers for this day. All the vouchers and offers can be found on
Q. Does Currys offer Cyber Monday sales and vouchers?
Ans: Yes, Currys takes part in Cyber Monday sales and provides vouchers and offers for this specific day.
Q. Does Currys offer any discounts or promotions?
Ans: Yes, Currys frequently offers discounts and promotions on various products. These can include percentage-off discounts, offers, seasonal sales, and more. Keep an eye on Currys, and social media channels, and sign up for Currys newsletter to stay updated on the latest deals.
Q. How can I learn about the latest deals and sales at Currys?
Ans: To stay informed about Currys latest deals and sales, visit Currys website regularly or subscribe to Currys newsletter. You can also follow them on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, where Currys often share exclusive promotions and discounts.
Q. Are there any loyalty programs or rewards available?
Yes, Currys has a customer loyalty program in place. By signing up for the Currys loyalty program, you can earn points on every purchase, which can be redeemed for future discounts or rewards. Additionally, Currys loyal customers receive special offers, early access to sales, and other exclusive benefits.
Q.  Are there any seasonal or holiday sales that I should know about?
Ans: Yes, Currys offers seasonal and holiday sales throughout the year. During these events, you can expect significant discounts, exclusive offers, and limited-time promotions on various products. Stay tuned to Currys website, social media channels, and newsletters for updates on upcoming sales.
Q. Does Currys offer a student discount?
Ans: Yes, Currys does offer a student discount of 10%. You can view the complete guide at Saving Says UK and claim your student discount.
Q. Does Currys offer a military discount?
Ans: No, Currys currently does not offer discounts for military veterans as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Does Currys offer a teacher's discount?
Ans: No, Currys currently does not offer discounts for teachers as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Does Currys offer a senior discount?
Ans: No, Currys currently does not offer a senior discount as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Does Currys offer an NHS discount?
Ans: Yes, Currys does offers a 5% NHS discount. You can view the complete guide at Saving Says UK and claim your NHS discount.
Q. Are there any specific terms and conditions for using discount codes or promotional offers?
Ans: Yes, each discount code or promotional offer may have specific terms and conditions associated with it. These can include expiration dates, minimum purchase requirements, limitations on product categories, and more. To ensure a smooth shopping experience, please review the terms and conditions provided with each offer before applying it to your purchase.

Delivery & Returns FAQ’s

Q.  Is there a minimum purchase requirement for free delivery
Ans: Yes, free shipping on all orders over £40. This offer is valid for all orders shipped within the United Kingdom.
Q. What is the return policy at Currys?
Ans: Currys store has a hassle-free return policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return the item within 30 days of purchase for a full refund or exchange. Please make sure to keep the original packaging and provide proof of purchase.

Payment Method FAQ’s

Q.  What payment methods do Currys accept?
Ans: Currys accepts a variety of payment methods, including:

Credit & debit cards

  • American Express
  • Maestro
  • MasterCard
  • Visa Credit
  • Visa Debit