
About Sock Stack

Sock Stack is a British socks and underwear brand founded in Manchester in 2017. The company's mission is to make affordable pieces from high-quality materials. Sock Stack curates feel-good socks and super cosy underwear. They also offer a range of personalised gifts for many occasions.

Sock Stack's products are made from various materials, including cotton, bamboo, and wool. They offer a wide range of styles, including ankle socks, crew socks, dress socks, and boxer shorts. Sock Stack also offers a range of personalised gifts, such as socks with your name or initials.

How To Save Money at Sock Stack


When shopping online, it's enjoyable to save money. One of the most effective ways to save more than standard store discounts is by utilizing vouchers and coupon codes. At, you can easily discover and access your Sock Stack Vouchers. You have the flexibility to use them at your convenience, no matter where you are.

Clearance Sale

One of the best ways to save money at Sock Stack is to buy items from the clearance sale section. You can save up to 40% on Sock Stack.

Student Discount

If you're a student, you can get 10% off your purchase at Sock Stack. Just verify your student status with Student Beans. You can view the complete guide at Saving Says Uk and get your discount at any time.

Refer a friend

If you refer a friend to Sock Stack, you'll both get a $15 voucher.

Join the Sock Stack Rewards program

When you join the Sock Stack Rewards program, you'll earn points for every dollar you spend. These points can be redeemed for vouchers, free shipping, and other rewards.

Black Friday

Sock Stack offers exclusive deals and offers during seasonal events i.e. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc. You can visit the Sock Stack website during the season and avail of discounts of up to 40% Off your purchases.

Delivery & Returns


  • Standard shipping is free for orders over £40. For orders under £40, the shipping cost is £5.
  • Express shipping is available for an additional fee.
  • Delivery times vary depending on the shipping method chosen. Standard shipping typically takes 2-5 business days, while express shipping takes 1-2 business days.
  • You can track your order online using the tracking number provided by Sock Stack.


  • You can return items within 35 days of delivery for a refund or exchange.
  • To return an item, you must complete the Return/Exchange Request form on the Sock Stack website.
  • You will be responsible for the return shipping costs.
  • Once your return is received, Sock Stack will process your refund or exchange within 10 business days.


  • Items that are not in a saleable condition (e.g., worn, used, or damaged) cannot be returned.
  • Items that are specifically excluded from the returns policy (e.g., swimwear, earphones, and grooming products) cannot be returned.
  • Items that were purchased during a promotional period with a longer return window cannot be returned after the promotional period has ended.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact FAQ's

Q. How can I contact Sock Stack?
Ans: You can contact Sock Stack by filling out a contact form on their website OR contact them through their e-mail. (
Q. On which Social media platforms can I find Sock Stack?
Ans: You can follow Sock Stack on Facebook, Instagram, Or Twitter.

Deals & Discounts FAQ's

Q. How to find & use Sock Stack's voucher codes?
Ans: Using voucher codes is simple.
Click on the desired voucher code, deal, or promo. The code will be copied to your clipboard.
Visit Sock Stack, purchase your products, and apply that promotional code into the box named "Voucher code", "Voucher Code", etc.
Q. Does Sock Stack offer Black Friday sales and vouchers?
Ans: Yes, Sock Stack participates in Black Friday sales and often provides great vouchers for this day. All the vouchers and offers can be found at
Q. Does Sock Stack offer Cyber Monday sales and vouchers?
Ans: Yes, Sock Stack takes part in Cyber Monday sales and provides vouchers and offers for this specific day.
Q. Do Sock Stack offer any discounts or promotions?
Ans: Yes, Sock Stack frequently offers discounts and promotions on various products. These can include percentage-off discounts, buy-one-get-one (BOGO) offers, seasonal sales, and more. Keep an eye on the Sock Stack website, and social media channels, and sign up for the Sock Stack newsletter to stay updated on the latest deals.
Q. How can I find out about the latest deals and sales at Sock Stack?
Ans: To stay informed about Sock Stack's latest deals and sales, visit the Sock Stack website regularly or subscribe to the Sock Stack newsletter. You can also follow them at Saving Says UK.
Q. Are there any loyalty programs or rewards available?
Ans: Yes, Sock Stack has a customer loyalty program in place. By signing up for the Sock Stack loyalty program, you can earn points on every purchase, which can be redeemed for future discounts or rewards. Additionally, Sock Stack loyal customers receive special offers, early access to sales, and other exclusive benefits.
Q.  Are there any seasonal or holiday sales that I should know about?
Ans: Sock Stack offers seasonal and holiday sales throughout the year. You can expect significant discounts, exclusive offers, and limited-time promotions on various products during these events.
Q. Does Sock Stack offer a student discount?
Ans: At Sock Stack, students receive 10% off their purchases. Just use Student Beans to confirm that you are a student. You can view the complete guide at Saving Says Uk and get your discount at any time.
Q. Does Sock Stack offer a military discount?
Ans: No, Sock Stack currently does not offer discounts for military veterans as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Does Sock Stack offer a teacher's discount?
Ans: No, Sock Stack currently does not offer discounts for teachers as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Does Sock Stack have a senior discount?
Ans: No, Sock Stack currently does not offer a senior discount as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Does Sock Stack offer an NHS discount?
Ans: No, Sock Stack currently does not offer discounts for NHS as we've gone through their website and thoroughly checked through other sources as well.
Q. Can I combine multiple offers or discounts on a single purchase?
Ans: In general, the Sock Stack system allows the use of one offer or discount per purchase. Combining multiple offers or discounts may not be possible unless specifically stated.
Q. Are there any specific terms and conditions for using discount codes or promotional offers?
Ans: Yes, each discount code or promotional offer may have specific terms and conditions associated with it. These can include expiration dates, minimum purchase requirements, limitations on product categories, and more. To ensure a smooth shopping experience, please review the terms and conditions provided with each offer before applying it to your purchase.

Delivery & Returns FAQ's

Q.  Is there a minimum purchase requirement for free delivery
Ans: You can proudly take advantage of free standard delivery at Sock Stack on orders over £40. You can benefit from it as per your requirements.
Q. Does Sock Stack ship international orders?
Ans: No, Currently, Sock Stack is not offering international deliveries.
Q. What is Sock Stack's return policy?
Ans: Sock Stack store has a hassle-free return policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return the item within 30 days of purchase for a full refund or exchange. Please make sure to keep the original packaging and provide proof of purchase.
Q. Does Sock Stack offer any warranties or guarantees on Sock Stack products?
Ans: Sock Stack stands behind the quality of Sock Stack products. Many items come with manufacturer warranties, which can vary by product category and brand. Additionally, Sock Stack offers a satisfaction guarantee on all purchases. If you encounter any issues, please contact Sock Stack customer support, and Sock Stack will be happy to assist you.

Payment Method FAQ's

Q.  What payment methods does Sock Stack accept?
Ans: Sock Stack accepts a variety of payment methods, including :
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • PayPal
  • Clearpay
  • Klarna